Hi there!
Welcome to our first ever family Christmas Letter! We've had a lot of changes the past year (really the past 3!), so we thought it would be nice to give a little family update - especially since there are some of you we haven't had a chance to talk to in a while. Of course, if you're reading this, we would love to hear from you too, so there may be an opportunity for that at the end :D

Of course, the best change to our family this year has been the addition of our baby girl, Marley Rose. She was born March 4th, and will be about ten months old by the new year. Though there have certainly been some challenges, we are finding parenthood to be a great joy and we're having fun experiencing it together. Marley is super cute and healthy and seems to be learning new things every day. Time to ramp up the babyproofing! This December, we'll get to visit our Ohio family so Marley can meet her cousins!
Sarah quit her job at the Salvation Army in August so she could be a full time mom. It has been a really healthy transition because she feels like she has more margin in her life and time to play with Marley. She's also had some extra time to explore hobbies like painting, crocheting, baking, and playing the banjo. Sarah's also teaching some piano to a few students on the side.

Brenden has been teaching himself programming and web development skills for the past few years. What began as a fun side-hobby has now become a full-time job! In June, Brenden began a new job at a software company as a support engineer. The company is based out of Tampa, but the job is fully remote, so he is also enjoying being home with Sarah and Marley every day while he works. Sometimes he still works on goofy side-projects like virtual Christmas letters. (Also, teaching his wife how to edit the code... mwahaha)

As a family we have enjoyed our warm Florida living, even if it is a little far from family. We've been able to have several visits up north this fall though, which is nice. But wait - I thought when we moved to Florida, everyone was supposed to come visit us! Well, our home is always open to guests if anyone needs an escape from winter. Just let us know. We love having visitors!
From our family to yours - Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Brenden, Sarah, and Marley
P.S. We'd love to hear from you! Leave us a note if you want :)